Protecting Individual Liberty

Holding Government Accountable

Our Mission

California Justice Center, APC is a public interest law firm founded to dismantle government barriers to freedom and prosperity in California. Through litigation, advocacy and education, CJC

  • defends constitutional principles

  • pushes back against government overreach

  • restores good governance

  • advances individual liberty, including property rights, free speech, free thought, and free movement

  • fights for student-focused excellence and non-discrimination in education

  • holds public officials and employees accountable

  • protects and defends individuals and groups from coordinated attacks and defamation by big government interests

In 2020, it became clear that California government agencies hold far too much power. Elected officials and unelected bureaucrats wielded that power to harm children, business owners, and regular people who simply wanted the freedom to leave their homes, go to the beach, go to work and go to school.

California Justice Center was conceived out of California citizens pushing back against government overreach and recognizing the need for a state-based legal effort to restore citizen control of government.

California Justice Center aims to return California government to what it was intended to be: a small, “necessary evil” designed to protect liberty and provide security, separate from society, and not involved in every aspect of our daily lives. The California and United States Constitutions provide the blueprint for ensuring government is responsive to the people. California Justice Center pursues strategic litigation to uphold constitutional principles of government.