Public Records Request to the State of California Re: Support for Covid Measures

On November 15, 2021, I sent a request for public records to the Office of the Governor of the State of California. To their credit, they timely responded. Unfortunately, they failed to “show their work” - as our teachers might ask us to do in school. I want to know what specific metrics and data our Governor and Public Health Director are relying on to create covid response measures. Instead of providing me with this information, the Governor’s office supplied me with a number of public proclamations and executive orders, none of which contain the answers I seek. The State’s response is here for your information and perusal.

As citizens, we enable and empower our government to exist in order to serve us. The government should accordingly proceed in a transparent and public manner when conducting business that impacts our lives. When we ask for information to support government actions, especially actions that cause us harm, the government needs to provide that information. If they don’t provide it, there are legal remedies available to pursue. I would rather not have to litigate against government entities, but if they refuse to be transparent, and continue to act unilaterally without explanation, accountability, or any check on their authority (as Gov. Newsom and CDPH Director Ghaly continue to do), then legal action is necessary.


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